Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Nick Michaels
Copyright American Voice Corp. 2015 All Rights Reserved

Superbowl commercials are usually created specifically for the event. They cost a small fortune to run. What intrigued me the most about this year's commercials was how many dead people were in them. The late Robert Reed from the Brady Bunch, the late Pres. John F. Kennedy narrating one, the late actor Paul Walker in a commercial about a film, and the late Harry Chapin singing Cats In The Cradle in another. Then there was a dead child doing a commercial for an insurance company. Besides those, there were many commercials for films about the end of the world. Thank goodness for Budweiser and its cute little puppy being saved from the big bad wolf.

With a few exceptions, this was the worst batch of Superbowl ads ever. I don't know about you, but it made me yearn for Coca-Cola's "Mean Joe Greene" and Apple's "Here's To The Crazy Ones." In the over communicated world, just about the dumbest thing you could possibly do is frighten people or make them feel bad. The commercials that didn't frighten me or make me feel bad, were so stupid, they were hard to watch. The 60's and 70's was the golden age advertising. While in many other countries, currently, there are some amazing stories being told in the form of commercials, here is the good old USA it is the dark ages of advertising.

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