Friday, March 3, 2017

The Power Shift: Embrace it or fail!

Nick Michaels
Copyright 2016 American Voice Corp. All Rights Reserved

Did you feel the earth move under your feet? Probably not because unlike terrestrial earthquakes this was a digital one. Don't let that make you think it is not powerful. This one, if it were terrestrial, would make California an island.

The power has shifted from the sender of the message to the receiver of the message.  This changes everything. If you want to create effective messages you have to toss out any idea of overt selling or making the message about your product or service. 

Turn the camera or microphone around and make the message about the audience. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Is Your Brand Intimate and Emotional Or Is It An Endangered Species

Intimacy and Emotion  are the key to reaching an over communicated audience or consumer. Why are some brands like Netflix and Amazon beloved while others like Comcast and Walmart are despised?
The perception of whose side they are on.

Netflix is on my side. They let me watch whenever I want, as much as I want and in whatever increments I want. Comcast is always pushing me around. They are not on my side...  in the over communicated world this perception is EVERYTHING.

Radio and audio entertainment have a huge advantage in this area, which has largely been left unused. Radio and audio are the most intimate and emotional of all media.