Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Nick Michaels
Copyright American Voice Corp. 2014 All Rights Reserved.

The advertisers need to sell is no longer something the audience is willing to take on. The reason for this is the price of their time in the over communicated world has gone up a lot. So much that  it is much more valuable to them than your message. If your message is only about selling your product it is not worth their newly valued time.

Pre-Roll is a bad placement. It is a subliminal nightmare. it is an imposition and a tool of separation. Most people hate them and find them annoying with only a few exceptions. Those exceptions are stories that are so compelling that the audience is not upset about having their time hi-jacked because what they got was even better than the content they went looking for. You can bet the farm that every single one of those exceptions is a great story. Not one is a sales job.

Instead of forcing the audience to sit through your ad, causing them to dislike you. Why not engage them with a story. A story that they want to watch. Then figure out how to sell your stuff without it looking like you are selling at all.

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